Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

How much is my premium for the Foreign Worker’s Hospitalisation and Surgical scheme?

The yearly premium is RM127.20 per worker insured, inclusive of all other fees. The renewed premium is not guaranteed and subject to adjustment with approval by the relevant authorities considering the loss ratio and other factor that my affect the sustainability of the scheme.

Recent FAQ

What is Personal Accident PLUS Insurance?

Our personal Accident Plus Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means...

How old does my car have to be to buy PrOmilej?

Vehicles of up to 20 years can buy PrOmilej. This includes newly...

If I choose to make a claim directly with my insurer, will Total Assist be able to guide me?

Yes, our Total Assist call centre is ready to answer any questions on making a claim...