Please note that your Private Car Policy only starts from page 6 onwards to help you read and understand your policy better we provide some explanatory notes together with comments and examples (written in italic). These are not meant to be part of your policy and should not be used to interpret your insurance contract in the event of any dispute.
You will notice that some words in the policy are printed in bold letters. This is because they have been given specific meaning in your Private Car Policy. Please refer to Section F on pages 19 to 21 for the meaning of these words
Your insurance contract with us is made up of the following:
All these must be read together as they form your insurance contract.
Section A - Consumer Insurance Contract
Where you have applied for this insurance wholly for purposes unrelated to your trade, business or profession, you had a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation in answering the questions in the Proposal Form (or when you applied for this insurance) i.e. you should have answered the questions fully and accurately. Failure to have taken reasonable care in answering the questions may result in avoidance of your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of your claim(s), change of terms or termination of your contract of insurance in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013. You were also required to disclose any other matter that you knew to be relevant to our decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied. You also have a duty to tell us immediately if at any time after your contract of insurance has been entered into, varied or renewed with us, any of the information given in the Proposal Form (or when you applied for this insurance) is inaccurate or has changed.
Section B – Non-Consumer Insurance Contract
Where you have applied for this insurance for purposes related to your trade, business or profession, you had a duty to disclose any matter that you know to be relevant to our decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied, and any matter a reasonable person in the circumstances could be expected to know to be relevant, otherwise it may result in avoidance of your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of your claim(s), change of term(s) or termination of your contract of insurance. You also have a duty to tell us immediately if at any time after your contract of insurance has been entered into, varied or renewed with us, any of the information given in the Proposal Form (or when you applied for this insurance) is inaccurate or has changed. If you misrepresented any facts to us before the policy is entered into, examples of the actions that may be taken by us against you include the following:
Your insurance does not cover you against everything that can happen to your car. Check out the Schedule that we issued to you to know the type of cover you bought. The main types of cover are:
These are referred to as ‘Exceptions’ in your policy and there are three sections where you can find them:
There are generally three reasons why we put these exceptions in your basic Private Car Policy:
Since this is a Private Car Policy, your policy only covers you if your car is used for “social, domestic and pleasure purposes and for the policyholder's business”. This is clearly stated in the Certificate of Insurance under the heading “Limitation as to Use”.
The following are some examples of how your car can be used:
However, we will not cover you, for example, if you use your car in the following manner:
Practically anyone can drive your car as long as the driver:
Although anyone complying with the above conditions can drive your car, you may have to pay an additional excess depending on the age of the driver, the type of licence the driver possesses or if the driver is not a named driver (see explanation on excess in page 4). If you or your authorised driver is not qualified to drive or breach any of the terms and conditions, your claim may be rejected. If we are compelled by law to pay, we can recover any sum(s) paid and any expenses incurred from you or your authorised driver.
This insurance you have purchased only covers you in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei in accordance to the laws of Malaysia. Additionally, note that if you intend to drive your car into Singapore, you are required by Singapore’s law to have cover against Legal Liability to Passengers (LLP). Since LLP is not covered by the basic Private Car Policy, you will need to purchase Endorsement 100 (see page 28), which provides a limited cover for your liability for death or bodily injury of passengers.
This insurance is effective from the time of purchase of cover or at the agreed time of commencement, until the expiry date. The period of insurance will be printed in the Policy Schedule and related documents. If there is any change to these dates, it will be officially shown in an Endorsement issued by us.
To be safe, you should insure your car at its current market value (see definition in page 20). In simple terms, this is the current cost to replace your car with another car of the same make, model, age and general condition. The amount that you choose to insure is called the sum insured. Please note that you could be penalised if your car is under-insured (see Section A2e – ‘UnderInsurance’ in page 8). For example, if the market value of your car is RM100,000 but you only insured it for RM80,000 then you could be penalised for under-insurance. Assuming the loss is assessed at RM5,000, instead of we paying the full amount, you could be made to bear a portion of the loss in proportion to the under-insurance as follows:
Therefore we will pay RM4,000 while the balance of RM1,000 will be borne by you. You would be penalised as shown above if the market value of your car exceeds the sum insured by 10%. On the other hand, it would be a waste of money to over-insure as your insurer would not pay more than the market value. One way to protect yourself from being under-insured or over-insured is to opt for the sum insured determined by a market valuation system approved by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM).
This is a form of premium discount for not having made a claim during the preceding period of your insurance (provided the period of insurance exceeds one year). The scale of NCD applied is specifically mentioned in the policy. The applicable NCD can be checked with us or the Central NCD Database (“CND”) at https:// /ncdcheck/online before the purchase of your Private Car Policy.
This is the first amount that you have to bear yourself for each and every claim that we approve, even if the incident is not your fault. However, please note that the excess does not apply to loss or damage caused by fire, explosion, lightning, burglary, housebreaking, theft, third party property damage or bodily injury claims. Please check your Policy Schedule to find out the amount that you are liable to pay. This is referred to as Endorsement 1 or 2 in your policy. Note that there is also the Compulsory Excess (see page 9) where you have to bear an additional excess of RM400 if you or the person driving your car:
As an example, if we assess the claim payable to be RM10,000 but your policy carries an excess of RM500, you will have to bear the first RM500 yourself and we will pay the balance of RM9,500. However, if the driver is below 21 years old, you have to bear an additional excess of RM400. Using the same example, you now have to bear RM900 (i.e. 500 + 400) and we will pay RM9,100.
Condition 2 of your policy (see page 17) spells out the do’s and the don’ts after an accident or theft in more detail.
A. Where Your Car is used for any purpose that is not related to Your trade, business or profession, the following applies:
Consumer Insurance Contract
This Policy is issued in consideration of the payment of premium as specified in the Policy Schedule and pursuant to the answers given in Your Proposal Form (or when You applied for this insurance) and any other disclosures made by You between the time of submission of Your Proposal Form (or when You applied for this insurance) and the time this contract is entered into. The answers and any other disclosures given by You shall form part of this contract of insurance between You and Us. However, in the event of any precontractual misrepresentation made in relation to Your answers or in any disclosures given by You, only the remedies in Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013 will apply. This Policy reflects the terms and conditions of the contract of insurance as agreed between You and Us.
B. Where Your Car is used for purposes related to Your trade, business or profession, the following applies:
Non-Consumer Insurance Contract
This Policy is issued in consideration of the payment of premium as specified in the Policy Schedule and pursuant to the answers given in Your Proposal Form (or when You applied for this insurance) and any other disclosures made by You between the time of submission of Your Proposal Form (or when You applied for this insurance) and the time this contract is entered into. The answers and any other disclosures given by You shall form part of this contract of insurance between You and Us. In the event of any pre- contractual misrepresentation made in relation to Your answers or in any disclosures made by You, it may result in avoidance of Your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of Your claim(s), change of terms or termination of Your contract of insurance. This Policy reflects the terms and conditions of the contract of insurance as agreed between You and Us
This section spells out what We cover under Section A and is only applicable if You have Comprehensive cover.
1a: Events We Cover
We will indemnify You if Your Car is lost or damaged during the Period of Insurance arising from the following Incidents:
For an additional premium, Your Policy can be extended to cover for ferry transit between Sabah and Labuan (Endorsement 109).
1b: Events We Do Not Cover
The events We do not cover are the exceptions listed below. These exceptions are specific to Section A and are in addition to exceptions listed in Section D and the applicable Endorsements.
We will not pay for the following losses:
2. Basis of Settlement
This section explains how We will settle Your claim once We accept that it is payable under Section A. If Your Car is damaged as a result of any Incident, We have the option of doing the following:
a. If Your Car is Repairable: If in Our opinion Your Car is economical to repair, We have the option to:
b. If Your Car is not Repairable: If in Our opinion, the damage to Your Car is so great that it would not be safe or economical to repair, We will declare Your Car “Beyond Economic Repair” (“BER”) and We will pay You up to the maximum amount as stated in (d) below or offer You a settlement sum equivalent to the Market Value. We may also opt to replace Your Car with one of the same make, model, age and general condition. If We take any of these actions, this Policy shall be automatically terminated once We make payment.
c. Replacement Parts If the spare parts or Accessories required to repair Your Car are not available in Malaysia, or if We choose to pay for the loss or damage in cash, We will settle Your claim on the following basis:
d. The Maximum Amount We will Pay You: If Your Car is BER or stolen and not recovered, the amount payable under the Policy will be the Market Value at the time of the loss or the Sum Insured as shown in the Schedule, whichever sum is the lesser. Upon Our payment of the said amount, this Policy shall be automatically terminated. The Market Value is to be determined according to clauses 14 and 15 of Section F
e. Under-Insurance: If the Sum Insured of Your Car is less than the Market Value at the time of the loss, We will only bear part of the loss in proportion to the difference between the Market Value and the Sum Insured as shown in the formula below:
Sum Insured x Assessed Loss / Market Value
The balance has to be borne by You. However, this will only apply if the under-insured amount is more than 10% of the Market Value.
f. If new original parts are used to repair Your Car and as a result of which Your Car is in a better condition than it was before the damage, You would be required to contribute to its betterment, a proportion of the costs of such new original parts. Your contribution would be according to the following scale:
To determine the rate of betterment to be applied, the age of Your Car will be calculated based on when it was originally registered in Malaysia:
g. Compulsory Excess (please see page 4 for explanation): In addition to the Excess shown in the Schedule, We have the right to deduct another RM400 as Compulsory Excess if at the time of the Incident, You or the person driving Your Car with Your consent:
We will not deduct this additional RM400 Excess if the loss or damage is caused by fire, explosion, lightning, burglary, housebreaking, theft, third party property damage or bodily injury claims.
3. Towing Cost
If Your Car cannot be driven as a result of any damage to it that is covered by this Policy, We will pay up to a maximum of RM200 for the necessary and reasonable costs to remove Your Car to the nearest approved Repairer or to a safe place of storage while awaiting repair or disposal.
This section explains what is covered and not covered under Section B.
1a: What is Covered?
We will indemnify You and / or Your Authorised Driver for the amount which You and / or Your Authorised Driver are legally liable to pay any third party (including third party’s costs and expenses) for:
as a result of an Incident arising out of the use of Your Car on a Road. This cover is extended to Your Authorised Driver provided Your Authorised Driver also complies with all the terms and conditions of this Policy.
1b: What is Not Covered?
These exceptions are specific to Section B and are in addition to the Exceptions stated in Section D of this Policy and any other applicable Endorsements. We will not pay for:
i. Death or bodily injury to any passenger being carried for hire or reward;
ii. Death or bodily injury to any person where such death or injury arises out of and in the course of the employment of such person by You or by Your Authorised Driver;
iii. Damage to property belonging to or in the custody of or control of or held in trust by You or Your Authorised Driver and / or any member of Your or Your Authorised Driver’s Household;
iv. Liability to any person being carried in or upon or entering or getting onto or alighting from Your Car unless he / she is required to be carried in or on Your Car by reason of or in pursuance of his / her contract of employment with You or Your Authorised Driver and / or his / her employer; In pursuance of the contract of employment – The passenger is required to be carried to a destination in order to carry out the job as spelt out in his / her contract of employment.
v. Liability caused by a passenger travelling in or alighting from Your Car;
2: Limits of Our Liability
We will pay the following for any one claim, or series of claims arising from one Incident, in any one Period of Insurance:
i. Unlimited amount for death or bodily injury to third party; and / or
ii. Up to a maximum of RM3 million for third party property damage
3: Cover for Legal Personal Representatives
Following the death of any person covered under this Policy, We will indemnify that person's legal representatives for liability covered under this Section, provided such legal representatives comply with all the terms and conditions of the Policy.
4: Legal Costs
If You or Your Authorised Driver is charged for reckless and dangerous driving or careless or inconsiderate driving under the Road Transport Act 1987 or any other offence related to the said Incident, We will pay legal costs incurred up to a maximum of RM2,000 to defend You or Your Authorised Driver provided always that such costs are incurred in Malaysia, the Republic of Singapore or Negara Brunei Darussalam, and that cost has been incurred with Our prior agreement in writing.
We will only pay for legal cost and We will not pay for any penalty imposed on You or Your Authorised Driver
5: Rights of Recovery
We have a right to refuse to indemnify You or Your Authorised Driver if either of You commit a breach of any Policy conditions or where the claim falls outside the scope of cover provided by Us under this Policy. However, if We are legally required to pay any judgment sum in respect of a claim under Section B of this Policy because of laws in force in Malaysia, Republic of Singapore or Negara Brunei Darussalam, which We would otherwise not have to pay, We have the right to ask You or Your Authorised Driver to repay to Us the amount of that payment and any costs We have incurred in connection with the claim.
No Claim Discount (NCD)
If You have insured Your Car for a continuous period of 12 months and You or anyone else did not make any claim under this Policy during that time, a NCD will be applied at each renewal. The applicable NCD will increase with each renewal if You continue to have claim free years as follows:
One Claim and Your NCD is Down to Zero
If You or anybody else meet with an Incident which will give rise to a claim on this Policy, the NCD entitlement that You have accumulated would drop to zero at the next renewal and Your NCD will start all over again. If a claim is received after the NCD has been applied, We shall be entitled to recover the NCD given from You
Exception to this Rule
Your NCD will not be affected even if a claim is made if:
Your NCD is not Transferable
The NCD is personal to You which means that if You were to sell Your Car and We agree to transfer this Policy to the new owner, Your NCD cannot be transferred for the benefit of the new owner.
Non-utilisation of NCD
For every year that the NCD is not utilised by You, the NCD accumulated and applicable for this Policy will be reversed in accordance with the scale set out in the table in clause C1 above.
This section lists down circumstances under which this Policy does not provide cover at the time of happening of the Incident. This is in addition to those already listed in Sections A1b (see pages 6 and 7) and B1b (see pages 10 and 12).
Unlicensed Drivers
There is no cover under this Policy if You or Your Authorised Driver do not have a valid driving licence to drive Your Car. This will not apply if You or Your Authorised Driver have an expired licence but are not disqualified from holding or obtaining such driving licence under any existing laws, by-laws and regulations.
Alcohol, Drugs and Other Intoxicating Substances
There is no cover under this Policy if You or Your Authorised Driver is under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating liquor, narcotics, dangerous drugs or any other deleterious drugs or intoxicating substance to such an extent that You or Your Authorised Driver are incapable of having proper control of Your Car.
Fraud and Exaggerated Claims
If any claim is in any part fraudulent or exaggerated, or if You or anyone acting on Your behalf, uses fraudulent means to get any benefit under this Policy, the entire claim will not be paid or payable. If We are required to make payment of any such claim to a third party, We shall be entitled to recover the sum paid and any costs incurred from You.
Unlawful Purpose
There is no cover under this Policy if You or Your Authorised Driver use Your Car for an unlawful purpose or to attempt an unlawful purpose i.e. in violation of the criminal law or a recognised law of the country where Your Car was being used.
Use for Racing etc
There is no cover under this Policy if You use or You allow Your Authorised Driver to use Your Car:
a. To practise for or to take part in any motor sport, competition (other than treasure hunt), rally, pacemaking, reliability trial or speed test; or
b. On any racetrack
Use Outside Malaysia
Unless We provide otherwise, this insurance does not cover You in respect of claims arising whilst Your Car was being used or driven outside Malaysia, the Republic of Singapore and Negara Brunei Darussalam. In Malaysia, Our liability under this Policy is governed by the Road Transport Act 1987 and the terms and conditions of this Policy, and Our liability outside Malaysia is governed by the terms and conditions of this Policy only.
Failure to take Precaution
We will not pay for any additional damages if after an Incident or breakdown You:
a. Left Your Car unattended or failed to take proper precaution to prevent further loss or damage; or
b. Continue to drive Your Car in an unroadworthy condition before any repair is done. We will also not pay for claims that arise if, when using Your Car, You do not take reasonable precaution to keep Your Car secured. This includes but is not limited to leaving Your Car unattended while unlocked or with ignition key left in or on Your Car.
War Risk
There is no cover under this Policy for any loss or liability (including any cost of defending any action) connected in any way directly or indirectly to:
a. War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operation (whether war is declared or not), civil war, Act of Terrorism, mutiny, rebellion or revolution; or
b. Strike, riots or civil commotion assuming the proportion of or amounting to an uprising, insurrection or military or usurped power.
Nuclear Risk
There is no cover under this Policy for any accident, loss or damage to any property or any loss or liability arising therefrom (including consequential losses and costs of defending any actions) connected in any way with operations using the nuclear fission or fusion process, or handling of radioactive material. This includes, but is not limited to:
a.The use of nuclear reactors such as atomic piles, particle accelerators or generators and similar devices;
b. The use, handling or transportation of radioactive material in relation to any Act of Terrorism;
c. The use, handling or transportation of any weapon or explosive device employing nuclear fission or fusion; or
d. The use, handling or transportation of radioactive material.
Convulsions of Nature
There is no cover (unless specifically purchased) for any loss, damage or liability caused by flood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide, landslip, subsidence or sinking of the soil / earth or other convulsions of nature.
Contractual Liability
We will not pay for any liability that arises by virtue of an agreement but for which We would not have been liable in the absence of such agreement.
Unauthorised Driver
We will not pay for any Incident, loss, damage or liability caused, sustained or incurred whilst Your Car, in respect of which indemnity is provided by this Policy, is being driven by any person other than an Authorised Driver or person driving on Your order or with Your permission.
This section spells out the terms and conditions that You must observe to ensure this insurance remains effective. Basically these conditions are of three types:
Conditions Precedent to Policy Liability
The following conditions are conditions precedent to Our liability to indemnify You under this Policy and have to be observed by You strictly. We can repudiate this Policy and / or will not pay claims under the Policy if You breach any of the relevant conditions. These conditions also apply to Your Authorised Driver and any legal representative who seek indemnity under this Policy.
Duty of Disclosure
The duty of disclosure is different for a Consumer Insurance Contract and for a Non-Consumer Insurance Contract. They are separately outlined below:
A. Consumer Insurance Contract
Where You have applied for this insurance wholly for purposes unrelated to Your trade, business or profession, You had a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation in answering the questions in the Proposal Form (or when You applied for this insurance) i.e. You should have answered the questions fully and accurately. Failure to have taken reasonable care in answering the questions may result in avoidance of Your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of Your claim(s), change of terms or termination of Your contract of insurance in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Financial Services Act 2013. You were also required to disclose any other matter that You knew to be relevant to Our decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied. You also have a duty to tell Us immediately if at any time after Your contract of insurance has been entered into, varied or renewed with Us, any of the information given in the Proposal Form (or when You applied for this insurance) is inaccurate or has changed.
B. Non-Consumer Insurance Contract
Where You have applied for this insurance for purposes related to Your trade, business or profession, You had a duty to disclose any matter that You know to be relevant to Our decision in accepting the risks and determining the rates and terms to be applied, and any matter a reasonable person in the circumstances could be expected to know to be relevant, otherwise it may result in avoidance of Your contract of insurance, refusal or reduction of Your claim(s), change of terms or termination of Your contract of insurance. You also have a duty to tell Us immediately if at any time after Your contract of insurance has been entered into, varied or renewed with Us, any of the information given in the Proposal Form (or when You applied for this insurance) is inaccurate or has changed.
2. Accidents and Claims Procedures
If Your Car is involved in any Incident that could lead to a claim under this Policy, You must do the following:
a. Notify Our claims department of the Incident and get a Claim Form. You must notify Us of the Incident as soon as possible but in any event:
We may allow a longer notification period if You can provide specific proof and justification for the delay.
b. Report the Incident to the police as required by law and do all that is required to assist the police authorities to secure a conviction against the offender.
c. Complete the Claim Form in full and return it to Us within twenty-one (21) days from the date of Your notification as per (a) above. You are required to answer all the questions in detail in all applicable sections and provide Us with all the necessary documents to support Your claim. We will not be held responsible if there is any delay on Your part to submit the Claim Form duly completed together with all the necessary documents. A longer claims submission period may be allowed by Us subject to specific proof and justification by You for the delay.
d. If there are any claims made against You by a third party, You must immediately notify Us of the same and You must send to Us any notification of claim, notice of impending prosecution or inquest, summons, writ or any letters from the solicitors of the third party as soon as You receive such documents, but in any event within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of any of the documents.
e. Send Your Car to any of Our approved Repairer so that We can inspect Your Car before We give approval to proceed with repairs or take reasonable action to safeguard Your Car from further loss or damage. We can refuse to pay any claim under Section A of this Policy if You breach this condition.
f. You must obtain Our consent in writing before You repair Your Car or incur any expenses in connection with a claim under this Policy.
You must not do any of the following:
We will decide whether to negotiate, defend or settle, in Your name, Your Authorised Driver’s name and / or on Your behalf, any claims made against You or Your Authorised Driver by a third party. If in Our assessment the third party claim made against You or Your Authorised Driver for property damage will exceed the limit of liability of RM3 million, We will pay the full amount of Our liability to You or the third party and hand over the further conduct of any defence, settlement or proceeding to You completely. After doing so We will not be liable under this Policy to make any more payments to You or any claimant or any other person arising from the same Incident.
The conditions above also apply to anyone else who wishes to claim under the terms and conditions of this Policy. “Anyone else” may refer to personal representative or administrator / estate of the policyholder.
3. Cancellation
Either You or We may cancel this Policy at any time during the Period ofInsurance.
a. Cancellation by You:
b. Cancellation by Us
4. If there is More Than One Insurance Covering the Same Car
5. Subrogation
We are entitled to take over all rights and remedies that You may have against any third party who caused the loss. We shall have the absolute discretion in the conduct of any proceedings, at Our own costs, against the third party and in the settlement of any such claim and You shall give Us such information and assistance as We may require from time to time including assigning all rights to take action in Your name. You must however give Us Your full cooperation to protect these rights and provide all assistance and take such steps as We require.
6. Dispute Resolution
If there are differences or disputes on any matters relating to this Policy involving amounts exceeding RM250,000, an Arbitrator shall be jointly appointed by You and Us in writing to resolve the differences or disputes. If no agreement is reached on who is to be the Arbitrator within one month of being required to do so then You and We shall be entitled to appoint an Arbitrator each. Both Arbitrators shall then proceed to hear the difference or dispute together with an Umpire to be jointly appointed by them. If the Arbitrators cannot agree on an Umpire within thirty (30) days, then the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration shall appoint an Umpire. If the disputed sum is less than RM250,000, You may refer the matter to the Ombudsman for Financial Services to resolve the dispute.
7. Other Matters
We will only be liable to indemnify You under this Policy if You:
a. Comply with all the terms and conditions of this Policy. These conditions are also applicable to Your Authorised Driver and any legal representative who seek protection under this Policy;
b. Maintain Your Car in a reasonably efficient and roadworthy condition. You must get Our consent if You make any modification that will enhance or in any way affect the performance of Your Car;
c. Take reasonable care to avoid any situation that could result in a claim. This Policy will not cover You if You or Your Authorised Driver are reckless i.e. where You recognise a serious risk but deliberately do not take steps to prevent it. This includes but is not limited to leaving Your Car unattended while unlocked or with ignition keys left in or on Your Car; and
d. Make Your Car available to Us for inspection at all reasonable times upon request.
8. Prevalent Policy Wording
For avoidance of doubt, the English version of this Policy wording will prevail over the Bahasa Malaysia version at all times.
This section explains what We mean by the words printed in bold in this Policy.
In this Policy, Schedule and Certificate of Insurance, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words shall have the meanings as defined below.
This refers to the standard factory-fitted tools of the Car including air-conditioners and spare tyres and may include radio / cassette player / compact disc player and the like if specified in the Schedule.
Act of Terrorism
This refers to an act by any person(s) or group that uses force or violence and / or the threat of force or violence, whether they are acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s) and done for political, religious, ideological, ethnic or similar purposes or reasons, including the intention to influence any government and / or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
This refers to a person or entity registered under the Financial Services Act 2013 who is appointed by Us to investigate the cause and circumstances of a loss and to determine the amount of loss.
Authorised Driver
This refers to any person who drives Your Car with Your consent or permission provided he or she holds a valid driving licence of the relevant type and is not disqualified to drive by law or for any other reason.
This refers to the motor vehicle described in the Schedule and includes the manufacturer’s standard options and Accessories fitted to it and any other non-standard options or descriptions that are specifically listed in the Schedule.
Certificate of Insurance
This certificate is a prescribed form that We are required to issue to You under the Road Transport Act 1987 and it outlines the particulars of any conditions subject to which the Policy is issued.
This follows the meaning as defined under Section 415 of the Penal Code which is as follows: Whoever by deceiving any person, whether or not such deception was the sole or main inducement:
or harm to any person in body, mind, reputation, or property, is said to “cheat”.
Criminal Breach of Trust
This follows the meaning as defined under Section 405 of the Penal Code which is as follows:
Whoever, being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any dominion over property either solely or jointly with any other person, dishonestly misappropriates, or converts to his own use, that property, or dishonestly uses or disposes of that property in violation of any direction of law prescribing the mode in which such trust is to be discharged, or of any legal contract, express or implied, which he has made touching the discharge of such trust, or wilfully suffers any other person so to do, commits “criminal breach of trust”.
This refers to the document that We issue to You to confirm any changes or extensions of the coverage to the basic Policy.
This refers to the amount that must be borne by You first for each claim. The amount of the excess is shown in the Schedule. You have to pay the excess irrespective of who is at fault in the Incident.
This refers to all members of Your or Your Authorised Driver’s immediate family i.e. spouse, children including legally adopted children, parents, brother(s) and sister(s) staying under one roof with You in the case of Your immediate family, or with Your Authorised Driver, in the case of his immediate family.
Any event which could lead to a claim under this Policy.
Limitations as to Use
According to Your Certificate of Insurance (CI), Your Car can only be used for “Social, domestic and pleasure purposes and for the policyholder's business”. The CI also states that “The Policy does not cover use for hire or reward, racing, pacemaking, reliability, trial speed-testing, the carriage of goods other than samples in connection with any trade or business”.
Market Value
This refers to the reasonable cost to buy another car of the same make, model, age and general condition similar to Your Car at the time of loss. The Market Value of Your Car at the time of loss would be determined according to the terms of the option that You had chosen at the time You purchased this Policy. If You had opted for a Market Valuation System to determine Your Sum Insured then the Market Value would be based on that valuation system as described in clause 15 below. However, if You had not opted for a Market Valuation System then the Market Value of Your Car in the event of dispute would be determined by the Head Office of the Car franchise-holder and this value should be equal to the cost of purchasing a replacement car of the same make, model and age of Your Car at the time of loss. If this valuation is not available or appears in Our opinion to be unduly low or high then valuation will be determined by an Adjuster registered under the Financial Services Act 2013, agreed by both You and Us.
Market Valuation System
This refers to the motor vehicle Market Valuation System approved by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) to determine the Market Value of Your Car at the time You purchased / renewed this Policy as well as at the time of the loss. You can opt to use the valuation recommended by this system as the Sum Insured to avoid the consequences of under-insurance as described in Section A2e. Alternatively, You may choose to determine the Sum Insured Yourself but You would be subject to Section A2e if You are under-insured.
Minimum Premium
The minimal premium described in the Schedule.
Named Driver
This refers to the persons named in the Policy who are authorised by You to drive Your Car. The compulsory excess of RM400 stated in Section A2g will not apply if Your Car is driven by a Named Driver provided they hold a valid full driving licence of the relevant type and are not disqualified to drive by law or for any other reason and are above the age of 21 years at the time of the Incident.
Ombudsman for Financial Services (OFS)
This is an independent body that provides a free and efficient avenue to help settle financial disputes between You and Us under this Policy as an alternative to the courts.
Period of Insurance
The period shown in the Schedule when the cover provided by this Policy is operative. Cover is only valid from the actual time of purchase of the insurance Policy or from when You and We agree that cover should commence.
Policy includes the Schedule, the Certificate of Insurance and all Endorsements specifically listed in the Schedule.
This refers to motor repair workshops approved by Us or by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) under the PIAM Approved Repairers Scheme (PARS) or any repairer that We have given You a special permission to use, for a claim.
Section 2 of the Road Transport Act 1987 defines “Road” as “any public road and any other road to which the public has access and includes bridges, tunnels, lay-bys, ferry facilities, interchanges, round- abouts, traffic islands, road dividers, all traffic lanes, sidetables, median strips, overpasses, underpasses, approaches, entrance and exit ramps, toll plazas, service areas, and other structures and fixtures to fully effect its use”.
This document shows Your name and address, the Period of Insurance, the sections of this Policy which apply, the premium You have paid, the Car which is insured, the Sum Insured and details of any extensions or Endorsements.
Sum Insured
This is the maximum that We will pay You for a claim under Section A. This amount is shown in the Schedule. The Sum Insured must be sufficient to cover the cost to replace Your Car in the event of an Incident that completely destroys it.
We, Our, Us
This refers to the licensed Insurance Company that is issuing You this Policy.
You, Your, Yourself
This refers to the policyholder or person described in the Schedule as “the Insured”.
The following is a list of additional terms and conditions (known as Endorsements) that We may impose on You or optional covers available that You may want to add to Your basic Policy by paying additional premium. Note that only Endorsements with their numbers specifically printed in the Schedule shall apply to this Policy.
Endorsement 1: Excess All Claims (please see page 4 for explanation and page 20 for definition)
We will not deduct this Excess for loss or damage in respect of third party claims.
Endorsement 2: Excess Damage Claim (please see page 4 for explanation and page 20 for definition)
We will not deduct this Excess if the loss or damage is caused by fire, explosion, lightning, burglary, housebreaking, theft, third party property damage or bodily injury claims.
Endorsement 3(p): Third Party Only Insurance (please see pages 2 - “What is Covered?”)
Endorsement 3(q): Third Party, Fire and Theft Insurance (please see pages 2 - “What is Covered?”)
Endorsement 14: Transfer of Interest
Subject otherwise to the terms and conditions of this Policy.
Endorsement 15: Hire Purchase
Endorsement 15(a): Employer’s Loan
Other than the above, Our / Your rights and liabilities under this Policy are not affected.
Endorsement 18: Fleet Rated Risks – Cancellation of ‘No Claim Discount’
Subject otherwise to the terms and conditions of this Policy.
Endorsement 22: Caravan / Luggage / Boat Trailers
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree to cover Caravan or Luggage or Boat Trailer that is specified in the Schedule under the heading ‘Endorsement 22’ while it is being used together with Your Car.
This endorsement does not cover:
The maximum amount that We will pay for loss or damage to the specified Caravan / Luggage / Boat Trailer under Section A for this endorsement is the amount mentioned in the Schedule under the heading ‘Endorsement 22’.
Endorsement 24(c): Reliability Trials, Competitions etc.
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under this Policy shall cover Your Car while it is being used for [state either reliability trials, competition] to be held at [state place / location] on [state date] organized by [state name of organizer] including officially conducted practice for the event.
Endorsement 24(d): Reliability Trials, Competitions etc. (Third Party Cover Only)
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section B of this Policy shall cover legal liability while Your Car is being used for [state either reliability trials, competition] to be held at [state place / location] on [state date] organized by [state name of organizer] including officially conducted practice for the event.
Endorsement 25: Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section A of this Policy shall cover loss or damage to Your Car caused by:
This endorsement does not cover:
It also does not cover any loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly, proximately or remotely caused by or contributed to or traceable to or arising out of or in connection with the above stated exceptions.
Endorsement 57: Inclusion of Special Perils
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section A of this Policy will cover loss or damage to Your Car caused by flood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide, landslip, subsidence or sinking of the soil / earth or other convulsions of nature.
Endorsement 72: Legal Liability of Passengers for Negligent Acts
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section B of this Policy will include legal liability incurred by any passenger in Your Car on condition that the passenger:
This endorsement does not cover:
Endorsement 87: Agreed Value Clause
The Agreed Value shown in the Schedule is the maximum amount that We will pay for Your Car, less any Excess (if applicable) if Your Car is stolen or totally destroyed.
We and You have agreed at the commencement of this Policy to use this value as the basis of settlement provided We are liable to pay for such loss or destruction under the terms and conditions of this Policy. The Market Value of Your Car at the time of the loss will not be taken into account.
Endorsement 89: Cover for Windscreens, Windows and Sunroof
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section A of this Policy will cover the cost to replace or repair any glass in the windscreen, window or sunroof of Your Car that is accidentally damaged including the cost of lamination / tinting film (if any) provided no other claim is submitted for this Incident. The maximum amount that We will pay under this endorsement is the amount mentioned in the Schedule under the heading ‘Endorsement 89’.
If Your claim is for the damaged glass only and no other damage, We will not deduct any Excess, and You will not lose Your No Claim Discount entitlement.
If the damaged glass is replaced, the cover provided by this endorsement comes to an end as soon as the glass is replaced. If You wish to enjoy continued coverage You must buy a new endorsement cover and pay the additional premium to Us.
Alternatively if the damaged glass is repaired this cover will continue but the limit of the amount payable will be reduced by the amount of the repair cost. To restore the cover to the original limit You must pay the additional premium to Us for the increased cover.
We have the final say on whether to repair or to replace the damaged glass.
Endorsement 95: Leasing Agreement
We note that Your Car is under a Leasing Agreement with the Leasing company named in the Schedule as the Lessors. You unconditionally agree that the payment of any claim under Section A by Us by way of a cash payment shall be made to the Lessors as long as the Leasing Agreement remains valid at the time of the Incident. The receipt from the Lessors will fully discharge Us from any further claims or liability in respect of such loss or damage. For all other purposes, You are the principal party under this Policy and not as an agent or trustee for the Lessors and You have not assigned Your rights, benefits and claims under this Policy to the Lessors. You cannot assign Your rights, benefits and claims under this Policy without Our written consent.
Endorsement 97: Separate Cover for Accessories fixed to Your Car
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section A of this Policy shall cover the non-standard Accessories specified in the Schedule. The maximum amount that We will pay under this endorsement is the amount mentioned in the said Schedule under the heading ‘Endorsement 97’.
If Your claim is for the Accessories only and no other damages, We will not deduct any Excess and You will not lose Your No Claim Discount entitlement.
This cover is terminated on the date Your claim is settled under this endorsement. To restore this cover You must pay the additional premium to Us for the renewed cover.
Endorsement 97(a): Gas Conversion Kit and Tank
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section A of this Policy shall cover loss or damage to the Gas Conversion Kit and Tank of Your Car as a separate item provided it is installed by a qualified installer. The maximum amount that We will pay under this endorsement is the amount mentioned in the Schedule under the heading ‘Endorsement 97(a)’.
If Your claim is for the Gas Conversion Kit and Tank only and no other damage, We will not deduct any Excess and You will not lose Your No Claim Discount entitlement.
This cover is terminated on the date Your claim is settled under this endorsement. To restore this cover You must pay the additional premium to Us for the renewed cover.
Endorsement 100: Legal Liability to Passengers
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We shall pay towards You or Your Authorised Driver’s liability to any person being carried in or upon or entering or getting into or onto or alighting from Your Car except for:
Condition of Cover
If at the time of Incident giving rise to a claim under this endorsement, Your Car is carrying passengers in excess of the stated maximum number permitted by law, Our liability shall be limited to the number of passengers specified for the vehicle as registered at the Road Transport Department.
If the number of passengers carried at the time of the happening of an Incident is more than the maximum number permitted in the vehicle by law, We will not pay their claim in full. Any payment We make to any claimant under this endorsement will be rateably reduced in the proportion of the legally permitted maximum number of lawful passengers over the actual number of passengers carried, at the time of the Incident. The difference between the sum paid by Us and the claim to be paid to each passenger claimant shall be borne by You or Your Authorised Driver. The proportion We pay shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:
Number of passengers permitted by law * Total Claim Awarded / Actual number of passengers carried at time of Incident
Endorsement 101: Extension of Cover to the Kingdom of Thailand
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section A and Section B1a(ii) of this Policy shall cover Your Car while it is being used in the Kingdom of Thailand from the time of purchase on [state date] to midnight (Malaysian Standard Time) on [state date]. The limit of liability that We provide under Section B1a(ii) will be up to a maximum of RM100,000 only.
This endorsement does not cover legal liability under Section B1a(i) while Your Car is being used in the Kingdom of Thailand.
Endorsement 102: Extension of Cover to Kalimantan
In consideration of the payment of additional premium by You to Us, the geographical area of this Policy is
extended to include Kalimantan with effect from a.m. / p.m. on [state date] to midnight (Malaysian Standard Time) on [state date] subject to the limit of liability of RM50,000 under Section B1a(i) and B1a(ii).
Subject otherwise to the terms and conditions of this Policy.
Endorsement 105: Limits of Liability for Third Party Property Damage (TPPD)
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree to increase the limit of liability provided under Section B2(ii) of this Policy to RM [state new limit] with effect from [state date].
Limits of liability in excess of RM3 million up to RM20 million is allowed subject to additional premium stated as below:-
TPPD limits of Liability
Endorsement 109: Extension of Cover for Ferry Transit to and / or from Sabah and the Federal Territory of Labuan
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree that the insurance provided under Section A of this Policy shall cover loss or damage to Your Car when in transit to and / or from Sabah and Federal Territory of Labuan.
You must bear the first 1% of the Sum Insured or RM500 (whichever is higher) for each and every claim arising out of one transit for every claim payable under this endorsement. We have the right to deduct this amount in addition to the Excess mentioned in the Schedule of this Policy.
Endorsement 111: Current Year “NCD” Relief (only applicable to Comprehensive Private Car Policy)
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We agree to compensate you the No Claim Discount that You may forfeit due to a claim being made under this Policy. The amount is equal to Your No Claim Discount entitlement shown in the Schedule of this Policy for the current Period of Insurance.
The cover provided under this endorsement is terminated automatically when:
We will not refund any portion of the additional premium that You paid to Us if the cover under this endorsement is terminated as mentioned above or if You cancel this endorsement at any time.
Endorsement 112: Compensation for Assessed Repair Time (CART)
In consideration of the additional premium that You paid Us for this endorsement, We will pay compensation for the number of days assessed by Us as required to repair Your Car under Section A of this Policy (‘the assessed repair time’). We agree that payment will be based on the assessed repair time by the Adjuster or the maximum amount provided in the Schedule whichever is the lesser.
The maximum rate per day and the maximum number of days that We will pay under this endorsement is limited to the amounts mentioned in the Schedule under the heading ‘Endorsement 112’.
For any claim that We agree to pay under this endorsement We will not deduct any Excess and You will not lose Your No Claim Discount entitlement.
We will not pay:
We will not refund any portion of the additional premium that You paid Us if You cancel this endorsement at any time.
Endorsement 113: Reference to Motor Vehicle Market Valuation System
This refers to the motor vehicle Market Valuation System approved by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) to determine the Sum Insured of Your Car at the time You purchased / renewed this Policy as well as the Market Value at the time of the loss.
When a claim is made, the Market Value of Your Car would be determined by the (name of motor vehicle Market Valuation System) and this value would be accepted as the cost of purchasing a replacement car of the same make, model and age of Your Car at the time of loss.
If no Market Value is available from the (name of motor vehicle Market Valuation System) for Your Car, the
Market Value of the Car would be determined by an Adjuster, agreed to by both You and Us.
The valuation done by the (name of motor vehicle Market Valuation System) or Adjuster will be conclusive evidence in respect of the Market Value of Your Car in any legal proceedings against Us.
Subject otherwise to the terms and conditions of this Policy.