We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.
Motor Claims – General
What is a No Claim Discount (NCD)?
A NCD is a reward scheme for policyholders who do not make
any claims over the duration of the policy for the year. The rate of NCD is
dependent on the class of your vehicle. For private cars, the scale of NCD can
range from 25% to 55%. For motorcycles and commercial vehicles, it can range
from 15% to 25%.
Recent FAQ
What is Personal Accident (Continental Scheme) Insurance?
Our Personal Accidental Continental Scheme Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means...
What is Trailer Attached to Private Car cover?
This covers the repair costs of your trailer from damages...
What is Machinery Breakdown Insurance?
Our Machinery Breakdown insurance policy covers any unforeseen damage or loss of the insured...