Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

Why do different insurance companies have different premium rates? How is it calculated?

With liberalisation, there are no more fixed rates based on the model, age or capacity of your vehicle. Instead, premiums are now charged based on the risk profile of the insured. As a result, premiums differ between companies.

Recent FAQ

How can I contact the tow service from P&O Insurance?

Just give us a call (and select the 3rd option - Accident & Breakdown Total Assist), our call centre service will...

What is Burglary Insurance?

Our Burglary Insurance pays for the loss or damage...

What is Personal Accident (Continental Scheme) Insurance?

Our Personal Accidental Continental Scheme Insurance covers injury, disablement, and death by violent, accidental, or external means...