Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

What happens if I exceed my allocated mileage one month before the end of my policy?

If you have exceeded your allocated mileage and your Grace Mileage, and you have not topped up, you will only be covered for third party bodily injury or death and third party property damage but not loss or damage to your vehicle due to accident, fire or theft. (For PrOmilej policies issued after 19 March 2021, optional benefits listed above in 1. above will not be covered if you have exceeded the allocated mileage and Grace Mileage).

Recent FAQ

How can I contact the tow service from P&O Insurance?

Just give us a call (and select the 3rd option - Accident & Breakdown Total Assist), our call centre service will...

What is Machinery Breakdown Insurance?

Our Machinery Breakdown insurance policy covers any unforeseen damage or loss of the insured...

Do I still get my commission rebate of 10% if I use the POI2U website or app to buy the policy?

Yes, you do...