Total Assist: 1-800-88-2121

Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

What is Machinery and Equipment Insurance?

Our Machinery and Equipment Insurance covers the loss or damage to your immobile equipment (e.g. computers and printers). Accessories and parts are not included unless the equipment has been stolen. 

Coverage descriptions are brief and subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions. Click here for more information on our Machinery and Equipment policy.

Recent FAQ

Are there any other documents that I need to submit when I purchase PrOrumah?

No, there are none. You only need to pay for the final quotation amount...

What is a tariff?

Tariffs are fixed price lists created under insurance acts to control the price...

What is Machinery Breakdown Insurance?

Our Machinery Breakdown insurance policy covers any unforeseen damage or loss of the insured...