We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.
What is the Sum Insured?
The Sum Insured is the maximum amount a vehicle can be
insured for according to its current market value. This decreases by 10% every
year as the car depreciates or by the market price of the car.
Recent FAQ
How will my bank account information be used? Will it remain confidential?
Your bank account details and other related information will only be used for payments directly into you account...
How much can each of my contents be insured for?
There are 3 plans available for the PrOrumah Contents Plan. You can choose one from any of these plans to determine the overall insured sum of your items...
What is Machinery and Equipment Insurance?
Our Machinery and Equipment Insurance covers the loss or damage to your immobile equipment (e.g. computers and printers)...