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Frequently Asked Questions

We help you stay ahead and informed with these helpful answers on protecting yourself, your home, business and more.

How much is my premium to cover the expenses or compensation of my workers if they are disabled or pass away in an accident?

Your total premium depends on the number of workers insured. The premium per worker is RM72 as approved by the Ministry of Human Resources. 

Recent FAQ

Motor Claims – Theft

What do I do if my vehicle is recovered?

If your vehicle has been recovered, do NOT take possession of your vehicle from any authority/party unless authorized by...

What is Legal Liability of Passengers for Negligent Acts (L.L.o.P) cover?

This protects you against a third-party claim for damages from the negligence...

Why do different insurance companies have different premium rates? How is it calculated?

With liberalisation, there are no more fixed rates based on the model, age or capacity of your vehicle. Instead...